{"id":9732,"date":"2017-08-09T09:26:19","date_gmt":"2017-08-09T16:26:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/kimchimari.com\/?p=9732"},"modified":"2021-06-02T23:09:38","modified_gmt":"2021-06-03T06:09:38","slug":"perilla-leaves-pickled-kkaetnip-jangajji","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/kimchimari.com\/perilla-leaves-pickled-kkaetnip-jangajji\/","title":{"rendered":"Perilla Leaves Pickled in Tangy Soy Sauce (Kkaetnip Jangajji)"},"content":{"rendered":"
Perilla Leaves Pickled (Kkaennip Jangajji \uae7b\uc78e \uc7a5\uc544\ucc0c)<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Perilla Leaves pickled in soy sauce (Kkaennip Jangajji) is a great way to enjoy them in the summer.<\/h2>\n

Perilla Leaves or Kkaennip \uae7b\uc78e has to be one of my most favorite vegetables..<\/p>\n

Have you tried perilla leaves pickled?? OH MY… OH MY.. YESSS, if you love fresh Perilla leaves then pickling them is indeed a fabulous way to enjoy them. Pickled Perilla Leaves or Kkaetnip Jangajji is such a great side dish to have with just rice or with Korean meat BBQs. It also keeps for months.<\/p>\n

The dish also brings back my fondest memories of my childhood (probably when I was in 2nd or 3 rd grade). It was when my brother and sisters were all still home, living with us.<\/p>\n


Being the baby of the family and because all my sisters are sooo much older (10+ years), I was always sooo loved by them. My brother on the other hand, decided his mission in life was to make sure I didn’t become a spoiled brat. So he made sure I had the normal sibling rivalry including the “older brother harassments”\u00a0<\/em>that any younger sister ends up experiencing.\u00a0\ud83d\ude1d<\/p>\n

If you have an older brother, I’m sure you know what I mean. I know he always loved me but he NEVER wanted to show it. He always teased me, told me I was fat (ok, I did NOT enjoy hearing that) and was very strict about proper etiquette. To be fair, he also played with me a lot and we had some good times hiding and eating special snacks in our secret hideouts – including pretending that we were drinking beer by mixing coca cola and sprite (the color came out very similar to beer – hahaha).<\/p>\n

Anyway, during those most wonderful and happy years, my family enjoyed summers in a very remote, almost hidden, beach area of the Korean western sea side. The beach can be located here if you are curious –\u00a0Gungpyeongri Seosin-myeon Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.<\/a><\/p>\n

It is not a pretty beach by any means with almost not sandy areas but it was also very quiet and peaceful. We put up huge tents at the edge of a forest near the west ocean. We cooked all our meals using the traditional clay oven (ahgungyi \uc544\uad81\uc774) and showered with ice cold water pumped from a well!<\/p>\n

While vacationing there, we also made friends with a local family who brought us a lot of banchan (side dishes). One of them was a Kkaennip Jangajji (perilla leaves pickled in soy sauce) which was just to die for. I remembered thinking as I was eating it, ‘how can something taste soooo good? I hope I can learn to make this someday…’.<\/p>\n

I have tasted many Perilla Leaf Jangajji in my life – those served at restaurants, at homes, from a can… but never as good as the one I had that summer and maybe never will again.<\/p>\n

Anyway, here is a recipe that I made that is almost as good but not quite. If I perfect it even more, I will share it with you again! Maybe it just doesn’t taste the same because the times are different now. Or perhaps I’m just looking for a taste that does not exist… or maybe a taste that is..oh so perfect..only in my imagination.<\/p>\n

What do you do when you have too many Perilla Leaves??<\/h3>\n
Korean perilla cabbage pickle in jar<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n
Korean beef patties (\uc644\uc790\uc804 Wanja Jeon) and beef wrapped in kkaetnip (\uae7b\uc78e\uc804 Kkaetnip Jeon)<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n










You can make Kkaennip Jangajji, Perilla Cabbage Kimchi<\/a>, Perilla Jeon<\/a> and more. My Perilla plants are growing really well in my elevated garden bed (Gronomics) along with my bolting lettuces!!<\/p>\n

Perilla Lettuce Garden in my Gronomics Elevated Garden Bed<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Perilla Leaf Pickle (Kkaennip Jangajji)<\/h3>\n

Makes 40-50 leaves \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0Cooking Time: 25 min \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 Ready in: 1 week to 2 months<\/p>\n
